
Teaching Philosophy

Having served as teaching assistant in my Master’s program at the University of Idaho, I've formulated a three-step teaching process that reflects my educational philosophy. At its core, my philosophy revolves around integrating theory, critical thinking, and translating knowledge into practical application. I firmly believe that education should be a dynamic journey involving critical thinking, profound comprehension, and the acquisition of practical skills applicable in real-world scenarios. This philosophy is rooted in constructivist and experiential learning theories, emphasizing active engagement and meaningful learning experiences.

The foundation of my teaching philosophy lies in grounding students in theoretical knowledge. I believe in presenting a solid conceptual framework that forms the basis of understanding. This phase encourages students to explore the fundamental principles and theories relevant to the subject matter, laying the groundwork for more advanced comprehension.

Engaging students in meaningful discussions is a pivotal element of my approach. I aim to stimulate critical thinking and promote diverse perspectives by creating an interactive and collaborative learning environment. Discussions serve as a platform for students to engage in critical thinking, where they articulate their thoughts, question assumptions, and deepen their understanding through peer interaction.

In my view, education's ultimate goal is to empower students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations. I emphasize practical application as a vital component of the learning process. This phase challenges students to translate theoretical concepts into actionable skills, fostering a bridge between academic understanding and the demands of practical scenarios.

My teaching philosophy draws inspiration from constructivist and experiential learning theories. I believe that students construct their understanding by actively engaging with the material and applying it to their experiences. This approach aligns with the constructivist view that learning is a personal and dynamic process shaped by individual experiences and perspectives.

I place a strong emphasis on active engagement and the creation of meaningful learning experiences. By incorporating hands-on activities, case studies, and real-world examples, I strive to make the learning process relevant and impactful. This enhances retention and instills a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm for continuous learning.

In summary, my teaching philosophy is a holistic approach that blends theory, discussion, and practical application. It is grounded in the belief that education should be a dynamic and transformative process, where students are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their own learning journey. This philosophy, rooted in constructivist and experiential learning theories, is designed to instill critical thinking skills, foster deep understanding, and equip students with the practical skills necessary for success in real-world situations.